Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Yeah, so I nearly lost everything on my laptop this week... fun stuff. Overnight data recovry worked though and now I've got everything backed up. I actually had it all backed up on my Google Drive accoun anyway (I love you Google Fiber), but was still a scary moment...

Anyway, enough about me, let's look at some numbers. A bit of movement this week. Unfortunatly LA and Seattle both have lagged a game or two behind eveyrone so their ratings still aren't the best, along with New England, but everything else is starting to take shape. Vancouver doing some downward movement and Chivas keeps climbing, along with Portland and Kansas City. LA at the number one spot but slipping a little bit. Still, as the only undefeated team, the math makes their rating look quite good. I imagine that'll settle down in the coming weeks. Montreal not quite out of their spot yet and Houston takes a bit of a hit as well. Chicago not quite doing enough to get out of the basement, though they'll likely jump Seattle next week unless something interesting happens. And what's up with New York?

Speaking of New York, I'll be traveling to the game next week in Harrison. Should be fun, last year was the first time I'd seen SKC win on the road.

Anyway, here's the table.

And now the graph, which is still a little hard to get a handle on, mostly due to LA. Still a log plot as well... Click to bigify.

And now we've got enough games to start doing a Flavor of the Week analysis. This is done in a similar way to the season long power rankigns except it only looks at the last five games. In that way it's more of a snap shot of how teams are performing at this instant and is more variable than the other rankings. Since it's early in the season this only impacts teams that have played six games. Essentially, it's ignoring the first game for those teams, so it's a little different than the season long rankings. It'll get more divergent as the season goes on.

Annnnd... that's all Ihave to say about that.

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